• Question: How does your job affect the lives of the general public (if it does)?

    Asked by annaxo to Stef, Guido, Ed, Dave on 11 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Dave Bond

      Dave Bond answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      Well the discoveries Diamond is involved in does benefit humanity. As we are involved in aspects of drug discovery, cancer research and a whole multitude of other areas.
      The great thing about synchrotrons is that they act as super microscopes. So we are used in many areas of science. There are not many other places that bring together so many different areas of science.

    • Photo: Ed Rial

      Ed Rial answered on 11 Mar 2015:


      I work at the same place as Dave, so my answer is going to be pretty similar!

      I make the parts of Diamond that produce the really bright light and X-rays that other scientists at Diamond, abs visiting scientists use to study the world around us.

      They study proteins that can lead to new medicines, engineering pays that can lead to new, more efficient engines, medical implants that can improve the lives of thousands, ancient objects that let us better understand how we got to be here today.

      The possibilities really are endless, and the positive impact we can have on the general public is limitless. All this for less than it cost to build Wembley Stadium. It’s a bargain!


    • Photo: Mariastefania De Vido

      Mariastefania De Vido answered on 15 Mar 2015:

      Hi Anna!

      I design innovative high energy lasers which will one day be applied to a great variety of different fields (production of clean energy, detection of diseases…).

      In the making, this activity benefits the economy because, in order to build the laser, we need to buy components from external companies and hire people. This makes money and wealth circulate.

