• Question: I sometimes get a bit bored in science, when I don't understand things. How can I keep my concentration?

    Asked by Hannah101 to Dave, Ed, Guido, Hugh, Stef on 16 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Ed Rial

      Ed Rial answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      Hi Hannah

      Believe it or not I get distracted and bored with things I don’t understand. I tend to get up and go for a walk or do something else for a little bit, and then come back to the problem.

      If you’re stuck in a lesson, go back to the bit you do understand and write it down, and if you can talk about it with your friends. The best way to understand something is to try and teach it. 🙂


    • Photo: Dave Bond

      Dave Bond answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      Write it down, or try talking through it with another person. It is easy to spot mistakes when you are explaining it to another person because you are putting yourself in their shoes.

      Or find another way of thinking about it. Atoms can be snooker balls on a table quite easily. Depends on the problem, but also visualizing it in this way helps with memory as well.

    • Photo: Guido Bolognesi

      Guido Bolognesi answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      It is indeed very annoying not to understand things and if I don’t understand what I am reading or what I am listening, I soon lose my concentration like you.

      One way to overcome that, it is to make a step back. Go back to the point you understood and then try to go forward again. If you still struggle, discuss the subject with your mates, they might have your same problem. However, discussing together, you can manage to solve the problem.

    • Photo: Hugh Harvey

      Hugh Harvey answered on 18 Mar 2015:

      Oh, I get bored all the time! There’s nothing wrong with recognising when you are bored, and switching tasks, or doing something else for a bit, then you an come back to the problem later on!
