• Question: What do you like most about the field you work in??

    Asked by BANTALOPE_ILLUMINATI to Dave, Ed, Guido, Hugh, Stef on 13 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Hugh Harvey

      Hugh Harvey answered on 13 Mar 2015:

      I like how my research changes the way people are diagnosed with cancer – it’s very rewarding!

    • Photo: Ed Rial

      Ed Rial answered on 13 Mar 2015:

      Hi Bantalope

      The first thing I like is that I’m part of an organisation that really pushes the frontiers of human knowledge in areas that can be applied to our everyday lives in only one or two years.

      I also work with an amazing variety of people, and get to travel to far flung corners of the world to meet an even greater variety of people.


    • Photo: Dave Bond

      Dave Bond answered on 13 Mar 2015:

      I love the fact that computing is the future. As technology moves on you are more reliant on computers. Think about it you may soon have a self driving car. Computers are the basis of this.
      Without computers modern life would be very different, the internet is one of the greatest inventions of the modern age.

      At Diamond we are pushing computing to the edge of what is possible.

    • Photo: Mariastefania De Vido

      Mariastefania De Vido answered on 15 Mar 2015:

      I love designing and building lasers and learning about all the applications which they already have and might have in the future. I think we have so much ahead!

      I also enjoy working with other scientists and learning new things by exchanging ideas with them.

      I find all this makes my work very interesting and rewarding!



    • Photo: Guido Bolognesi

      Guido Bolognesi answered on 16 Mar 2015:

      What I like the most is that in my field I need to have several different skills
      and I have to know about a bit of many different things.

      Working with liquids and lasers means that I have to know how to do experiments, but also how to set up numerical simulations which help me to understand the results of my experiments.

      The physics of liquids can be very complex and I have to learn and develop also mathematical skills to model their behaviours.

      The result is that the days at work can be very different one from the other. I can spend a whole day in the lab and the day next I am stuck in front of my laptop. No day is the same as the day before.
