• Question: what is your favourite thing about computers!?

    Asked by Lillian to Stef, Guido, Dave on 12 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Dave Bond

      Dave Bond answered on 12 Mar 2015:

      Hi Lillian,

      I like computers as they are such a universal tool in the modern age. They encapsulate so much of what I expect the future to be.
      For example a future where your fridge knows you are running low on milk and more arrives, or self driving cars. All require computing power and are currently interesting areas of research.

    • Photo: Guido Bolognesi

      Guido Bolognesi answered on 12 Mar 2015:

      Hi Lillian,

      my favourite thing about computers is that they do calculations on my behalf. 😀

      Usually my experiments result in a large amount of data which need to be analysed to extract the information I am looking for. Computers and, more specifically, computer programming makes the data analysis step easy and fast. That makes the life of a scientist much easier!!

    • Photo: Mariastefania De Vido

      Mariastefania De Vido answered on 15 Mar 2015:

      Hi Lillian!

      Computers are my best friends at work! 🙂

      Indeed, I use computers to perform calculations which would otherwise take me an extremely long time to complete and all the results can be stored for future reference!
