• Question: What`s at the bottom of a black hole?

    Asked by katie to Dave, Ed, Guido, Hugh, Stef on 11 Mar 2015.
    • Photo: Ed Rial

      Ed Rial answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      Hi Katie

      Nobody knows! I think various clever people around the world have theories, but as we can never look inside one we will never know for sure.

      My own understanding is that because of Einstein’s theory of Relativity, as you get closer to the centre of a black hole the slower time gets, so you never actually reach the centre of the black hole. The closer you get, the slower time gets, if you get even closer, time goes even slower, and so on.

      But I could be wrong 😀


    • Photo: Dave Bond

      Dave Bond answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      I think Ed has a perfect answer this is my understanding as well. It is thought they could just be doors to other universes. Though this is very much just a theory.

      Here is the link to a website that shows this. Though like so much of this area is quite heavy going.


      It is basically trying to say there is possibly no absolute center “a singularity” but as a crude example. It is like a vortex you see when draining water from the bath. The bathroom being this universe and the drain being the next. With the water representing matter in this universe.

      But it could be a person fumbling round looking for a light switch 🙂

    • Photo: Hugh Harvey

      Hugh Harvey answered on 11 Mar 2015:

      No-one knows! But I bet it’s really heavy.
